How To Start A Furniture Upcycling Business

In today’s world, where environmental concerns are paramount, upcycling has emerged as a powerful and sustainable way to breathe new life into old objects. With its creative and eco-friendly approach, upcycling has gained significant attention and is rapidly growing in popularity. I’ve been a keen up-cycler now for many years and have managed to turn a reasonable profit from upcycling old furniture alongside building my own furniture from reclaimed materials. Both have great potential in today’s markets but it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why I’ve decided to share my experiences. This article will guide you through the process of starting your own upcycling business and provide some helpful tips about how to make it successful.

Wood Create upcycle side board

Research and Planning

Identifying your niche or target market

This can sometimes be one of the most difficult parts of getting your business started. Knowing what sells and what doesn’t isn’t an exact science and you may need to experiment to find your target audience. This can take time, money and resources.

Conducting market research

Conducting thorough market research is crucial to gaining insights into the upcycling industry and your target market. Investigate consumer trends, demand for upcycled products and pricing expectations. Explore online platforms (Etsy, Folksy, NuMonday), local markets (FaceBook Marketplace, eBay and local craft markets) and retail outlets to understand where your target market typically shops for upcycled items.

Also try to survey potential customers, participate in industry forums, and engage with relevant social media communities to gather valuable feedback and identify unmet needs. The knowledge gained from market research will inform your business decisions and help you develop a competitive advantage.

Look for trends


The first thing you need to study is the past trends and the current ones. You have to be able to tell apart the valuable items from the ones that are common and rejected by buyers. For this, you might want to study the different types of antique furniture and the ways you can keep them in the right condition or restore them. Antique furniture restorations can be a little trickier to master and if you want to keep it looking as authentic as possible then some expert knowledge is normally required.

Analysing competition

Understanding the competitive landscape is vital when starting an upcycling business. Identify existing upcycling businesses in your area or within your niche and analyse their products, pricing, branding, and marketing strategies. Pay attention to their strengths and weaknesses and look for opportunities to differentiate yourself. By studying your competition, you can find ways to position your business uniquely, offer distinctive products, and address gaps in the market. This analysis will guide your decision-making and allow you to carve out a space for your upcycling business.

Etsy marketplace example Cwtch bach furniture
Example Shop on Etsy Marketplace – Cwtch Bach Furniture

Set goals and objectives

Setting clear goals and objectives is essential for guiding your upcycling business’s direction and measuring its progress. Define both short-term and long-term goals, such as revenue targets, customer acquisition numbers, or product expansion plans. Ensure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to provide a clear roadmap for success. Additionally, consider setting objectives related to sustainability and social impact to align with the core values of upcycling. Regularly track your progress via spreadsheets and make adjustments as needed to stay on track and achieve your desired outcomes.

How to set up a Business spreadsheet

When creating a business spreadsheet for your upcycling business, consider including the following essential elements:

  1. Customers: Create a section to track customer information, such as names, contact details, purchase history, and any specific preferences or feedback they provide. This will help you build relationships, tailor your offerings, and implement targeted marketing strategies.
  2. Inventory: Keep a detailed record of your inventory, including the type of upcycled products, quantity, description, and any relevant details like materials used or unique features. This will assist you in managing stock levels, identifying popular items, and planning for production or sourcing needs.
  3. Sales and Revenue: Track your sales and revenue figures to monitor the financial performance of your business. Include columns for the date of sale, item sold, quantity, unit price, total price, and any discounts or promotions applied. Summarise sales data to assess trends, identify peak periods, and analyse the profitability of different products.
  4. Expenses: Log your business expenses to gain a clear overview of your financial obligations. Include categories such as materials, equipment, rent, utilities, marketing, packaging, shipping, and any other relevant costs. This will enable you to track expenditures, identify areas for cost optimisation, and calculate your profit margins accurately.
  5. Location: If applicable, note the location of your business. This could include the address of your physical store or workshop, or details about your online presence, such as website URLs or social media profiles. You might be selling on a number of platforms which can be confusing to remember and track. Keeping this information easily accessible will facilitate communication with customers and suppliers.
  6. Marketing and Advertising: Maintain a record of your marketing and advertising efforts. This can include the platforms or channels you use, the dates and details of specific campaigns or promotions, associated costs, and the results or ROI (return on investment) achieved. Monitoring this data will help you assess the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and make informed decisions for future campaigns.
  7. Financial Projections: Develop a section to outline your financial projections, including estimated revenues, expenses, and profit margins. This will serve as a guide for setting realistic goals and making informed business decisions.

Setting Up Your Workspace


Choosing a suitable location

When setting up your upcycling workspace, choosing a suitable location is crucial. Consider factors such as space availability, accessibility for suppliers and customers, and ease of access. Whether it’s a dedicated studio, a workshop in your garden, or a shared space, ensure that the location provides enough room for your operations and storage needs. Additionally, take into account the potential for expansion as your business grows. A well-chosen location will contribute to your efficiency, productivity, and overall success.

Organising your workspace and tools

An organised workspace is essential for a smooth and productive upcycling business. Establish designated areas for different tasks, such as storage, design, assembly, and packaging. Invest in shelves, bins and storage solutions to keep materials, tools and finished products neatly arranged and easily accessible. Create a logical workflow by arranging your workspace in a way that minimises unnecessary movements and maximises efficiency. Regularly declutter and maintain order to enhance your focus and creativity.

Tips to make sure you never fail at DIY

Ensuring safety measures

Safety should be a top priority in your upcycling workspace. Assess potential hazards and implement necessary safety measures to protect yourself, your team and anyone who visits the space. This includes ensuring proper ventilation, adequate lighting, and appropriate electrical outlets. Invest in personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, safety glasses, and masks, depending on the nature of your work. Familiarise yourself with best practices for handling tools and materials and have a well-stocked first aid kit readily available.

Sourcing Materials

Building a strong network of connections is a key factor in achieving success in the restoration and upcycling business. It’s crucial to connect with individuals who offer house clearance services, as they can provide valuable leads on potential materials and collections that align with your interests. Networking with local estate agents, auction houses, and antique dealers can also yield opportunities to acquire unique and valuable items for upcycling. In addition, establishing relationships with local charity shops can be fruitful, as they often receive donations that may not be sellable in their current condition but can be a treasure trove of upcycling potential.

Furniture auction house

Consider joining relevant industry groups, attending networking events and engaging with online communities to expand your network and discover further avenues for sourcing materials and connecting with like-minded individuals.

Look for the right suppliers

When you start restoring wooden cabinets and upholstered chairs, you will need to get the right new materials to replace the old and tired ones. You might want to check out EasyFoam who are offering different types of filler cut to measure, so you don’t have to hunt for the chair cushion material for weeks. Get in touch with local furniture making companies to receive small off-cut pieces that will help you restore your items on a budget.

Maintaining relationships

To cultivate a reliable supply of furniture from specific suppliers, charities, or individuals, it’s essential to prioritise building and maintaining strong relationships. Approach these partners with politeness, courtesy, and professionalism. Be punctual and respectful of their time and commitments. By demonstrating your reliability and professionalism, you can foster trust and loyalty, which may lead to better access to high-quality materials. Additionally, when negotiating prices, strive for fair and mutually beneficial agreements that acknowledge the value of the items while ensuring sustainability and profitability for both parties involved.

Building Your Skillset

Developing upcycling skills and techniques

Building a strong foundation of upcycling skills and techniques is crucial for success in your upcycling business. Dedicate time to honing your craftsmanship and creativity by practicing various upcycling methods. Experiment with different tools, materials, and processes to expand your repertoire. Explore tutorials, online resources, and books that provide guidance on upcycling techniques specific to your areas of interest. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and improvement to enhance your skills and stay abreast of emerging trends in the upcycling world. Try following some popular upcyclers on Instagram, YouTube and Etsy to learn their techniques that can be adapted to suit your own vision.

Painting furniture

One of the first things to think about changing, and perhaps the simplest way to upcycle an item, is to change the colour.  Painting furniture may seem pretty easy, but you still need to follow instructions in order to get a perfect finish.Whether you’re upcycling a thrift store find or rustic worn piece, painting can be a cost-effective and creative solution.

painting furniture

Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Surface Preparation: Before painting, ensure the furniture surface is clean, dry, and free from dust or debris. Sand any rough areas or old finishes to create a smooth and paint-ready surface.
  2. Primer Application: Applying a primer is often recommended, especially when dealing with bare wood, glossy surfaces, or dark-colored furniture. Primer helps create a smooth base, improves paint adhesion, and prevents stains or bleed-through.
  3. Paint Selection: Choose a paint suitable for your furniture project. Acrylic latex paint is popular for its durability, quick drying time, and ease of use. Consider using satin or semi-gloss finishes for furniture, as they offer a good balance between aesthetics and durability.
  4. Painting Technique: Use smooth and even brush strokes or a paint roller to apply the paint. Work in thin layers, allowing adequate drying time between coats. This helps achieve a professional-looking finish and minimizes the risk of drips or brush marks.
  5. Optional Finishing Techniques: Depending on your desired outcome, you can explore additional finishing techniques. Distressing, antiquing, or applying a protective clear coat can add character or provide extra durability to your painted furniture.

Exploring various upcycling materials and resources

As an upcycler, it’s essential to be familiar with a wide range of materials and resources. Dive into the world of repurposed materials, such as reclaimed wood, salvaged metal, discarded fabrics, or vintage items.

Unlock the full potential of upcycling by venturing into uncharted territory and experimenting with new reclaimed materials. Think outside the box and consider repurposing discarded pots, pans, cups, plastic bottles, or non-functional old electrical products, breathing new life into them with a fresh purpose. Embracing unconventional materials can unleash your creativity and set you apart as a truly innovative upcycler. Often, the most successful sellers are the ones who dare to push boundaries, creating one-of-a-kind pieces that captivate buyers with their creativity and uniqueness.

Attending workshops and courses

Attending workshops and courses focused on upcycling can further enhance your skills and knowledge. Look for local classes, online courses, or specialised workshops that offer hands-on training in specific upcycling techniques or design principles. These learning opportunities can provide guidance on topics such as furniture restoration, textile upcycling, or creative repurposing. Not only do workshops and courses offer practical learning experiences, but they also provide networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with other upcyclers and expand your professional circle.

woodwork workshop course

Invest in Good Tools

It is also crucial that you learn about upholstery and woodworking, and get the right power tools. If you know someone who does the same job for a living, you can ask them for recommendations on woodworking tools, so you can turn around projects quicker and make a profit sooner. You can pick some up at local car boot sales if you don’t have the budget to blow on brand new equipment or search on eBay and local marketplaces to find cheaper second-hand tools.  It might even be worth taking a course to learn these skills so you can be sure you’re doing them properly, though there is also plenty of guidance online nowadays too.

Related – How to brand your wooden furniture creations with your logo

Marketing and Promotion

Creating a brand identity

Creating a strong and distinctive brand identity is essential for your upcycling business. Define your brand’s mission, values, and unique selling points that set you apart from competitors. Craft a compelling brand story that resonates with your target market and communicates your commitment to sustainability and creativity. Develop a visually appealing and cohesive brand identity through a carefully designed logo, colour palette and consistent brand messaging. By establishing a strong brand identity, you can build trust, attract customers, and differentiate yourself in the upcycling market.

Wood Create
Create a simple, eye catching, memorable logo

Building an online presence (website, social media, etc.)

In today’s digital age, building a robust online presence is crucial for marketing your upcycling business. Create a professional and user-friendly website that showcases your unique products, tells your brand story, and provides an easy way for customers to browse and purchase your items. Establish a presence on social media platforms where your target market is active, such as Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest. Regularly share engaging content, including captivating product photos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and informative posts about upcycling and sustainability. Interact with your audience, respond to inquiries and foster a sense of community. An active and engaging online presence will expand your reach, attract customers, and boost your brand visibility.

Implementing effective marketing strategies

To effectively promote your upcycling business, develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy. Identify your target market and tailor your marketing messages and tactics to reach them effectively. Utilise both online and offline channels, such as social media advertising, search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing, print media, and collaborations. Develop compelling content, such as blog posts, video online to boost your brand, or tutorials, that highlight your expertise and engage your audience. Monitor and analyse the results of your marketing efforts to refine and optimise your strategies over time. This comes back to having a well organised spreadsheet that is updated daily.

Selling Your Upcycled Products

Setting up a website with online store

Setting up an online store is a crucial step in selling your upcycled products to a wider audience. Choose a reliable e-commerce platform that suits your needs and budget. Customise your online store to reflect your brand’s identity, incorporating visually appealing product images and detailed descriptions. Streamline the purchasing process by providing clear navigation, secure payment options, and efficient shipping methods. Regularly update your online store with new products, engage with customer inquiries promptly, and utilise digital marketing strategies to drive traffic to your store. An online store allows you to reach customers globally, maximise your sales potential and showcase the unique value of your upcycled creations. You just need to understand that building traffic to your store can also be a full time job in itself. Working on a website in the background is essential but isn’t going to provide sales in the short term. Thats where the following help out.

Exploring e-commerce platforms

When selling your upcycled products, exploring various e-commerce platforms can expand your reach and attract diverse customers. Research and assess popular platforms such as Etsy, Shopify or eBay, considering their fees, user-friendly interfaces and features that align with your business goals. Each platform has its own benefits and target audience, so choose the one or two that best suit your products and desired customer base. Utilise the platform’s built-in marketing tools, optimise your product listings with relevant keywords and engage with the platform’s community to enhance your visibility and attract potential buyers.

Etsy marketplace example heading

The majority of my sales came from Etsy and FaceBook Marketplace to begin with. Sale volume then slowly started to shift to my website as it became more popular.

Developing a pricing strategy

Developing a pricing strategy is crucial for effectively selling your upcycled products. Consider factors such as the cost of materials, labour, overhead expenses and desired profit margins. Research similar upcycled products in the market to gain insights into the prevailing price range. Evaluate the uniqueness, quality and craftsmanship of your creations to determine their value. Keep in mind the perceived value of upcycled products and the sustainability aspect, which can contribute to higher pricing. Experiment with different pricing models, such as cost-plus pricing or market-based pricing, and regularly evaluate your pricing strategy based on customer feedback, sales data and industry trends.

I found that my pricing structure changed regularly in the first year of business where I began to understand all the overhead costs and price points that were attracting a good customer base. Try and understand what your time is worth per hour and ensure you are reaching this potential in your profit margins.

Showcasing Your Products with Good Photography

Photography plays a pivotal role in the success of your upcycling business as it serves as the visual gateway to your products. When selling upcycled items, high-quality and captivating product photography is essential to attract and engage potential customers. The visual presentation of your products is what initially grabs attention and entices people to explore further.

Investing time and effort into capturing appealing product images can significantly impact your sales. Ensure that your photographs are well-lit, properly framed, and showcase the unique features and details of each item. Consider utilising natural lighting or investing in photography equipment like diffusers or reflectors to achieve the desired effect. Clean and stage your products in a visually pleasing manner that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic.

upcycled furniture by Wood Create badWood Create upcycle bedside table

Furthermore, consistency in your photography style creates a cohesive and professional look throughout your online store, website, or social media platforms. This consistency enhances your brand identity, instills trust in potential buyers, and helps differentiate your upcycled products from others in the market.

Get the lifestyle action shots

In addition to product photography, lifestyle or contextual shots can provide a deeper understanding of your products’ functionality and how they can be incorporated into daily life. Consider showcasing your upcycled items in real-life settings or demonstrating their practical uses. These lifestyle images can evoke emotions, inspire potential customers and create a stronger connection between your products and your target market.

Alongside photography, compelling product descriptions that highlight the unique features, craftsmanship and sustainability aspects of your upcycled creations are vital. Engaging and informative descriptions contribute to the overall appeal of your products and provide additional context for potential buyers.

Customers rely on visuals to make purchasing decisions. By investing in high-quality photography and showcasing your products in the best possible light, you can capture attention, build trust and increase the likelihood of converting potential customers into satisfied buyers.

Invest in Quality Tools

When starting an upcycling business, the quality of your tools can greatly impact your productivity, the quality of your workmanship and ultimately, your profitability. Upholstery and woodworking are essential skills to master in this line of work and having the right power tools is crucial for efficient and effective upcycling.

The most important tool in your kit

One key tool to prioritise is a good sander. Sanding plays a critical role in refinishing and restoring furniture, smoothing surfaces and preparing them for paint or finishes. Investing in a high-quality sander can significantly save you time and effort. Look for sanders that offer variable speed settings, ergonomic design and efficient dust extraction capabilities. This will ensure smoother sanding processes, better control over the finish and cleaner workspaces.

Dewalt cordless sander and sandpaper

If you’re new to the world of power tools, seeking recommendations from experienced professionals in woodworking or upholstery can be immensely valuable. They can guide you on the essential tools needed to excel in your craft and help you select reputable brands that offer reliability and longevity. By obtaining reliable recommendations, you can make informed purchasing decisions and accelerate your learning curve, turning projects around more efficiently and increasing your profitability.

Invest in high quality tools

Investing in high-quality tools is essential as they offer longevity and superior functionality, resulting in enhanced craftsmanship and a polished final product. Remember the adage: “Buy once, buy quality.” Although quality tools may come with a higher upfront cost, they are designed to outlast cheaper alternatives and are less likely to require frequent replacements. By opting for durable tools, you ensure a longer lifespan of usability, saving you money in the long run. With good quality tools in your arsenal, you can confidently tackle upcycling projects, knowing that your tools will consistently deliver exceptional performance and contribute to the overall professional finish of your furniture pieces.

Dewalt jigsaw in use

When it comes to choosing tools for my upcycling projects, I have a preference for well-known brands, and one of my favorites is Dewalt. What sets Dewalt apart is their XR range of tools, which offers a versatile selection of tools that are all compatible with the same battery packs. This interchangeability means that by having 3 or 4 batteries on hand, I can work seamlessly throughout the day without interruptions. With the ability to swap batteries between tools, I can tackle various tasks efficiently and maximise my productivity without the need for constant recharging. Dewalt’s reliable performance and battery versatility have become invaluable assets in my upcycling endeavors.

Delivery Fulfilment

Shipping furniture requires careful consideration to ensure a smooth and satisfactory delivery experience for your customers. From fulfillment times and delivery costs to selecting a suitable courier and packaging your items securely, each aspect plays a crucial role in successful furniture shipping. It’s important to establish clear policies regarding customer returns.

Fulfilment times

When it comes to fulfillment times, aim to process and ship orders as efficiently as possible. Set realistic expectations for customers by providing estimated fulfillment times on your website or during the purchasing process. Communicate any potential delays promptly to maintain transparency and manage customer expectations.

Delivery costs

Delivery costs are another important factor to consider. Research various shipping providers to find the most cost-effective and reliable options for furniture delivery. Take into account the size, weight, and destination of each item to accurately calculate shipping costs. Offering different shipping options, such as standard or expedited delivery, can provide flexibility for customers while accounting for varying budget and timeline preferences. On average, you could end up paying between £40 and £120 to ship a single item within the UK.

Finding a reliable courier

Selecting a suitable courier is crucial for the safe and timely delivery of your furniture. Look for couriers with experience in handling large or fragile items. Consider factors such as their reliability, tracking capabilities, insurance options, and customer reviews. Building a trusted relationship with a reputable courier can help ensure smooth operations and minimise shipping-related issues.Packaging costs should be factored into your shipping strategy. Invest in high-quality packaging materials, such as bubble wrap, foam sheets, corner protectors, and sturdy boxes. This will provide adequate protection against potential damage during transit. Additionally, consider the size and weight of your packaging to avoid unnecessary overspending on shipping costs.

Finding a reliable courier to carefully transport your furniture can be very tricky. I tried 4 or 5 different courier before I found a good one. The most consistent and reliable courier was called Proovia who are based in the Midlands but cover most of the UK.


Properly packaging your furniture is essential to prevent any damage during transportation. Disassemble items, if applicable, and secure all loose parts. Wrap delicate surfaces with protective materials and use sufficient padding to minimise the risk of scratches or dents. Clearly label packages with fragile or handling instructions to ensure careful handling by the courier.

I tend to use these items to ensure the protection of my items:

  • Foam corner protectors
  • Cardboard edge protectors
  • Black shrink wrap
  • Parcel tape
  • Bubble wrap
packaging materials for furniture

Returns policy

Establishing clear customer return policies is crucial for handling any potential returns or damages. Clearly communicate your return process and conditions, including any associated costs or restocking fees. Provide customers with instructions on how to initiate returns and ensure prompt communication and resolution of any issues that arise. Offering excellent customer service during the return process can enhance customer satisfaction and build trust in your brand.

Remember, paying attention to fulfillment times, delivery costs, selecting a suitable courier, investing in proper packaging, and establishing clear return policies are vital for successful furniture shipping. By prioritising these aspects, you can ensure a positive shipping experience, minimise complications, and maintain customer satisfaction throughout the delivery process.

Scaling your Business

As your upcycling business expands, planning for scalability becomes crucial. Evaluate your production capacity, resources, and operational capabilities to accommodate increased demand. Identify areas where automation or outsourcing can streamline processes and increase efficiency. Consider expanding your team or partnering with skilled artisans to handle higher production volumes. Continuously invest in your skills and knowledge, staying updated on upcycling trends, and exploring new techniques. Develop a strategic business plan that outlines your growth objectives, marketing strategies and financial projections to guide your scaling efforts effectively.


Starting an upcycling business can be an exciting and rewarding venture. Throughout this guide, I have explored the essential steps to help you embark on this creative journey. Let’s recap the key steps to set you on the path to success.

First, research and planning are fundamental. Identify your niche or target market, conduct thorough market research, analyse competition, and set clear goals and objectives. Understanding your customers and the market landscape will lay a strong foundation for your upcycling business.

Next, setting up your workspace is crucial. Choose a suitable location, organise your tools and workspace efficiently, and prioritise safety measures to create a productive and secure environment for your creative endeavors.

Sourcing materials is a critical step. Explore various channels to find upcycling materials, establish partnerships with suppliers, and embrace sustainable sourcing options. Remember, the journey of upcycling begins with finding unique and inspiring materials.Building your skillset is an ongoing process. Develop upcycling skills and techniques, explore diverse materials and resources, learn from experienced upcyclers, and consider attending workshops or courses to enhance your knowledge and expertise.

Marketing and promotion are vital to your business’s success. Create a strong brand identity, build an online presence, implement effective marketing strategies, collaborate with influencers or bloggers, and participate in local markets or events to reach your target audience and showcase your upcycled products.

Managing operations and scaling your business are key to sustainable growth. Efficiently manage your inventory, optimise fulfillment and shipping processes, prioritise customer relationship management, and plan for scalability as your upcycling business expands.In conclusion, embarking on an upcycling business requires passion, creativity, and perseverance. It is a journey that allows you to transform discarded items into unique and valuable creations while contributing to a more sustainable future. Embrace the challenges, embrace innovation, and remember that each upcycled piece carries a story and a purpose.

So, aspiring upcycling entrepreneurs, take inspiration from the possibilities that await you. Unleash your creativity, refine your skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and let your upcycling business flourish. The world is waiting for your unique vision and the positive impact you can make through the art of upcycling.

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