Taking care of a Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant (zz plant) is a well know hardy plant, meaning it can still grow in adverse conditions like frost, cold winds and even drought. But just like any plant, it needs proper care with food, water, sunlight and suitable airflow to grow.

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as the ZZ plant is a popular houseplant known for its easy care. Native to Africa and a member of the aroid family it has glossy, dark green leaves arranged in a zig-zag pattern, held together by a thick stem. It is slow-growing but can reach up to 3 feet tall.

To get the best from this plant, you can implement a simple routine to ensure you have a healthy, vibrant addition to your home decor.

Balance the sunlight, water and fertiliser.

The good thing about this plant is that it doesn’t require much care and attention. It is very self sufficient as an indoor plant. But as such you will need to ensure it is located in the right place and has access to water and food.

ZZ Plant sunlight

Where to place your ZZ plant

The ZZ plant will thrive in most places, including rooms or places will low levels of light. We have two in our living room which is north-facing and makes for very low levels of light during the day. We specifically chose this plant as we knew the lighting situation wasn’t going to improve much.

This plant is used to growing in shaded areas and will thrive without any direct sunlight. The dark leaves are perfect for naturally harvesting sunlight in most conditions. Not enough sunlight will only cause the plant to grow slower and it may also survive will only florescent light.

Too much direct sunlight is not good for the ZZ plant. It can cause the leaves to dry, shrivel and scorch. If you notice this starting to happen then find a shadier spot until the symptoms start to reverse.

Watering your ZZ plant

When watering your ZZ plant, you should use lukewarm water and water the plant thoroughly, ensuring that all the roots are evenly moistened. Allow the excess moisture to drain away and do not water again until the soil is dry. ZZ plants are relatively drought tolerant, so you should only need to water once a week at the most.

In some cases, during the winter or colder months, the soil will remain wet for longer periods of time and you might not need to water again for up to one month. Try and allow the soil to completely dry before re-watering.

Best lighting for a ZZ plant

The ZZ plant is a beautiful and unique plant that is perfect for any home or office environment.

It is possible to grow Zamioculca in partial or full shade, but it helps to ensure that all parts of the plant get the same amount of light.

You’re probably getting enough light if the leaves are dark green and shiny. If they are pale or yellowish, you should decrease the light. For more information there are some great resources such as Decor Fácil to give you very precise information on this subject.

Propagating your ZZ plant

If you want to grow some of your own, the ZZ Plant can be propagated by division or by stem cuttings. This method allows you to reproduce more ZZ plants for free.

Stem cutting is the easiest and can be done by cutting the stalk near the bottom of the stem. You should then place the cut stalk in a glass of water and change the water every 2 – 4 weeks. Just try and avoid any mould growing in the water. Place the cutting near a window, but not in direct sunlight. A north-facing window would be ideal. You should then see a root starting to grow. Once the root is about one inch long it’s time to pot your new plant. You should start off in a grower pot with good drainage. More than one cutting can be placed in a pot but check regularly to ensure the roots don’t reach the bottom of the pot. Once they do, it’s time to find a bigger pot.

Caring for your ZZ plant

There are a few things to look out for to get the best out of your ZZ plant. Remember to remove yellowed and dead leaves to not compromise the plant’s health.

ZZ plants are susceptible to fungal disease, especially when planted directly into the soil or watered on the surface. A damp, warm and dark environment is ideal for the condition. You can grow ZZ plants as annuals or perennials. Annual ZZ plants can be grown from seed in spring and should be potted up once they have finished flowering.

To ensure your ZZ plant is healthy, check the leaves for any brown or yellow spots. This could indicate that the plant needs more water. The leaves should also be free of any pests. If you see any, treat the plant with an appropriate insecticide. Another way to tell if your plant is healthy is to check the roots. They should be white or pale yellow. If they are brown or black, this could be a sign of root rot.

The ZZ plant might not be ideal for everyone. All the parts of ZZ are poisonous if ingested. Always keep a safe distance from your pets and young children. When you come into contact with the sap of a ZZ plant, it may cause irritation to your skin.

Why a ZZ plant is a great addition to your home.

The ZZ plant is an excellent choice for a low-maintenance, easy-to-care-for houseplant. Here are four great reasons why you will love your ZZ plant and why you will find it recommended on Decor Fácil along with ideas from the homes of top celebs.

  1. The ZZ plant is virtually indestructible. It is tolerant of low light conditions and can grow for long periods without water, making it an ideal plant for busy people or those with a less-than-perfect green thumb.
  2. The ZZ plant has a beautiful, unique appearance. Its glossy, deep green leaves are offset by its thick, sturdy stems, giving it a look that is both elegant and eye-catching.
  3. The ZZ plant is a great air purifier. It filters out toxins and pollutants, making it a healthy addition to any indoor space.
  4. It will grow where other plants won’t, making it the perfect addition to any room in the house.

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